Dusting this Space off…

Hello? Anyone still out there?!

If so, hello! If not, that’s good too. I’ll treat this as a more accountable space to collect my thoughts and reflect. I was never any good at that whole journaling thing… so let’s see how long this lasts. {Kidding, it better stick this time.}

Let’s start with the obvious… what a year, huh?! Holy cow, 2020 totally brought it, and then some… and brought me to my knees in the process! But, I’m slowly picking myself up, dusting myself off, and planning how I want to move forward. In particular, how I want to move forward in this space.

Let’s face it… there was NOT a LOT of GOOD this year. But there was a heck of a lot of enlightenment. No? I’ve learned a lot about what is important to me… and what… is not. I’ve learned that I really and truly cannot do it all, and that I need to give myself some grace on that point. And embrace what I can do… and do it with all my heart. I’ve learned that maybe the “old normal” had some really big, broken pieces… and that the “new normal” might just be better for me mentally and emotionally. (Not to mention physically.)

I don’t think I fit where I used to. Scratch that. I don’t think I am willing to force myself to fit where I tried to. I’m much more willing to forge my own path moving forward, and create my happiness instead of trying to squeeze it in besides all the “must dos” and the “have tos”.

Life has been changing, and will be changing for quite some time. What better time to start anew here?

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