I’m Christine.

I am ..

a modern maker.

Aspirational Vlogger.

Coffee Drinker to a Fault.



I’m on a mission to ignite a passion in others to create, to craft, to make.
Modernly, Boldly, Unabashedly.

I help modern makers and aspirational modern makers take their “I wish I could”s and their “I’m not sure how”s to “Look what I did!”s and “I made this!!” Whether they are a novice or aspirational maker looking to join the handmade movement or a more seasoned maker looking to try something new or truly find their style, I help them define that vision and craft a beautiful piece of functional artwork. 


I’m on a mission to IGNITE A PASSion in others
to create, to craft, to make.


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Ut semper lacus tincidunt risus ullamcorper, quis euismod ante cursus. Integer quis eleifend magna. Praesent sit amet tellus ullamcorper, varius eros quis, facilisis ex. Nulla ac elit leo. Nunc iaculis, est non vestibulum pharetra, urna est dapibus nisi, et dapibus ante felis a neque.



sub head



sub head



sub head
