Doing More…

I’ve been thinking long and hard about how to live more intentionally. To leave each day better than I found it. To give to those in need. For all my trials and tribulations… I really am so lucky for all I have. All my family has.

There’s so much broken with the world we live in. And while most of it is beyond my capacity to fix… There are little things I can do to change little bits of what is broken in this world.

First, my oldest has been asking for MONTHS to put together bags for the homeless we encounter in our daily commutes. (I have no excuse as to why this hasn’t already happened.) Over the weekend we will be putting together gallon-size pouches of sustenance that can be handed out through the car window in lieu of cash.

Second, I’ve linked up to help with a local animal rescue with their marketing in the new year. After multiple encounters with them at meet-and-greets at my local pet store, I decided to get serious and make it official. It’s an area they really want and need help with and it’s a little less dangerous than fostering a puppy. (Because I would be a foster fail, not because the dog would be dangerous.) I also love the marketing aspect since it’s something my husband also does so I have backup when needed. That said, who knows what the future holds there. ;-)

Third, I’ll continue to act as president on the Modern Quilters of RI. I’ve got a few goals there… like twenty. So I need to buckle down in January and move at least a few of them forward. Or at least become a better advocate for the modern movement in quilting.

Fourth, I’m going to actually schedule time to create. Be it a quick doodle to make someone smile or a photo walk or some time at my sewing machine… It’s going to be treated more seriously. I’m trying to change my mindset that if my creativity is truly a way to give back, and to make the world a better place… then I need to treat it as such! Not just as “me time” or “down time” … why I don’t value those skill sets as much as I do others… I don’t know.

Fifth & Finally, I’m going to give myself more. More time, more grace, more self-care. Maybe it will be in the form of keeping my nails polished and washing my face. Maybe it will be in the form of “just one more chapter” before dinner. Maybe it will be in the form of less comparison to what the other moms get done… But whatever form it takes… it will be more for me.

Looking forward to doing more moving forward…

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